Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog #2: Alma's back in latest F.E.A.R. 2 trailer

Yay! Blog #2 of forced topics! Woo hoo! No longer can I discuss reviews of games! Awesome! So, the topic this week is: Find a text about someone overcoming struggle or facing a difficulty...wow, the way this is phrased, it could be linked to anything...whatever. So, for this one, I found an article about Fear 2...wait, wait, wait...sorry, I meant F.E.A.R 2...I think it stands for something. Fea...F.E.A.R is a game (now series) with a creepy little girl called Alma (these games might as well be called The Ring/The Ring 2. Anyways, the game is supposed to be scary, as the article says, but I personally don't find it very scary. Then, again, I've played the Silent Hill games which are some of the scariest games out there... Anyways, this game relies highly on pop-up scares, which (in my opinion) are cheap scares, and not atmospheric like the good scares. Also, the whole little girl thing is really a cliche. That's been overdone so many times, when is our osciety going to get past the idea of "Holy crap...little kids are so scary!"? Anyways, that's about it for this post.

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