Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blog #15: The many ways to die in N+

Blog #15. YAY the FINAL blog...for this quarter. So, to celebrate the final blog, we have a completly random topic. Yep. N+. Blog#15: Find a text about someone overcoming odds. Yeah. I noticed that this one and Blog#2 are basically exactly the same thing. Just worded differently. Very slightly. Anyways, N+ is game about a ninja guy. He tries to collect money...and gems...and...uh... This is to hard to explain. Here's a video showing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ5slv3RDqA. N+ started as a freeware pc game, then went to the Nintendo DS and PSP. The game is notoriously hard, but still very fun. As the title of the blog says, there are many ways to die. Many many ways. Now that the summary is done, the general opinion topic for this post: difficulty in games. Personally, I like to play different games with many varied difficulties. I like games from Mario Kart (racing game, very simple, easy pick-up-and-plauy) to Devil May Cry 3 (Action-adventure game where on the 2nd highest difficulty you die in 1 hit, and enemies are super-powereful). Overall, we should not complain about difficulties too much, because it is good to be challenged in a game, and to many people, it is also fun. If we didn't want any challenge at all then we'd be playing "HAPPY HAPPY FUN FUN RAINBOWS BARBIE AND MY LITTLE PONY I-X" for the next 890,756 years.

Blog #14: This week's SingStore update is full of love songs

Blog#14. Yay only two left! Oh, wait. Nevermind. We'll still have another 15 blogs next quarter. I seriously do not see the point of these blogs. Then again, I'm not even sure if you read these or just check them (Ms. Jarrett). I suppose me saying they are pointless won't get me anywhere though... Lame. Blog#14: Find a text about love. Unfortuanently, Resident Evil 5 is not (that much) about love. I guess I could talk about *HUGE SPOILERS* but those would be *spoilers*, and that would be bad. So..now we talk more about Singstar. And love songs. Lame. Short Summary: Singsatr is a singing game that now has many love songs available for purchase, such as The Bangles – Eternal Flame, Westlife – If I let You Go, Will Young – Leave Right Now, Frankie Goes To Hollywood – The Power of Love, and Sara Bareilles – Love Song. Um...I know I'm supposed to have some opinion about it, but...nothing comes to mind. People want to sing love songs, whatever, fine with me. I won't stop them. But there's no way I'm singing them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog #13: Yes, Resident Evil 5 has a 5GB install

Blog #13: Find a text about war. Guess what? This means....more Resident Evil 5 topics!!!!!! Yay! This is great timing though, since Resident Evil 5 comes out this Friday. I'll be getting it in about, oh: 2 days, 21 hours, and 3 minutes. Give or take a few seconds. So, the next Resident Evil 5 topic: Yes, Resident Evil 5 has a 5 GB install. In case one doesn't know exactly what that means, I'll explain. Let's use the PS3 as an example. The PS3 has three different versions: 40 GB, 60 GB, and 80 GB. I personally own the 60 GB one, and for some reason I actually seem to go through the GB quickly. Probably because I download demos, games, videos, trailers, and install games. When you get a PS3 game it automatically installs itself on your HDD (Hard Disc Drive) which makes the load times between levels more faster, and overall makes the game perform better. Unfortuanently for me, I will have to clean out my PS3... Anyways, although the install is sometimes annoying in how one has to make room for it, it does overall benefit the owner of the PS3. Sometimes though, the game installs can be annoying because (ex: DMC4 took 30 min to install) the installs can take awhile. Overall, in my opinion: Installs are worth it, sometimes annoying, but overall very benefical to one's gaming experience.

Blog #12: New PS3 sci-fi action RPG heads to 'Mars'

Blog #12. You know, I was just thinking how nice it was when we could write about anyhting we wanted. Ah, the good old days. As in a few months ago. Blog #12: Find a text about imperialsim or colonization. Now, this blog actually made me have to look. By typing "impearialism" and "colonization" in a search box. There was only 1 videogame realted article. That's it! Not good enough. Mars is a future PS3/PC sci-fi rpg coming out, that I've never heard of, that takes place...on Mars. Oh, and the colonization piece of it: 'The game takes place 200 years after the colonization of Mars. Inexplicably, the orbit of Mars is altered, causing a communications breakdown with Earth and exposing the inhabitants to solar radiation.' Yep. Now, this is actually fairly interesting. If we tried to colonize mars, would it negatively affect us? Could Mars actually be physically altered by our presence there (i.e: orbit changing)? If we did have the ability to colonize Mars, would we consider the outcome? I personally believe (in order): Maybe, yes, and most definently not. So, either way, no matter what...Earth is screwed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blog #11: PS3 contributes to global warming?

Blog #11: Find a text about a global issue. So...this could be anything essentially, due to one's definition of a global issue. Anyways, the issue in this post is global warming. Now, this article is about the idea of PS3s causing global warming. This is because the PS3 uses a lot of energy, and takes a lot of electricity. Here's a part of the article: "Have you pre-ordered your PlayStation 3 yet? If you have it recommends you top-up the pre-payments on your electricity account at the same time. The US version of the PS3 comes with a whopping 380 Watt power supply. That's over twice as much as its main competitor the Xbox 360 with its 165W unit, and over seven times more power hungry than the PlayStation 2. If you were to combine a PS3 with a LG 71" HD Ready Plasma TV to take full advantage of the amazing graphics you could be burning 1.4kWh (kilowatts) of power per hour and if you're a serious gamer that could cost you £1.19 for a five hour session." So, opinions, opinions... Well, ANYTHING could be contributed to global warming. Anything that uses energy could be linked to global warming...so I wouldn't consider this article very valid. Of course, using "buzz words" like "PS3" and "global warming" will get people's attention, but hopefully most people can look past the buzz words and instead look at the pointlessness of the article.

Blog #10: PS3 Fanboy Holiday Buyer's Guide 2007

Blog #10: Find a text about holidays - national or religious. See now, THIS is much better than the Bollywood topic. THIS, I can work with. Unfortuanently, not with Resident Evil 5 though. Anyways, Christmas is a great time for gamers. Christmas is typically when big-name titles come out, such as Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Resistance, and God of War. Many people will decide on their own what they want, and probably make a list for Chrsitmas. Some though, need some extra help, so they look at holiday buyer's guide, to help them decide. The website PS3 Fanboy created a Holiday Buyer's Guide for 2007, and while I won't go over everything in the guide, I will say the general categories. The categories are: Hardware, Accessories, Peripheral Gaming, Software, and Blu-ray Movies. I think that these guides are useful...but still...unneccesary. People can decide on their own what they want, but for completly indecisive people I guess it could work. With or without the guide, people are going to spend (most likely) tons of money around the Holidays. Nothing will prevent that, but almost anything could amplify it.