Tuesday, December 16, 2008

(Insert creative/funny thing about reviews here) Part 3: The Awesome

Finally, we move on to part 3, the awesome. First up, Prince of Persia. In case you've been living under a blah blah blah blah, then you know who the Prince is. He is arrogant, self-centered, funny, and amazingly acrobatic. Oh, and he also had an emo phase, but let's not talk about that. These games have always had the elements of amazing acrobatic stunts, fighting, and in the recent games, the ability to control time (to an extent). Now, in the new game, you still have all that, except for the time control, but it is all somewhat different. Now, you have a sidecick named Eleka, the Prince is not the same Prince as before, and the battles (all of them) have become thematic and intense events. Overall, the game is really fun, but gets too automated at times. This game got a B, B+, and A-. Finally, the last review for this magazine, RESISTANCE 2. Awesome game! Resistance 2 is from the developers of Insomniac, who created great games like Ratchet and Clank, and is a first-person shooter completly exclusive to the PS3. Now, if you've read some of my previous posts, you might be thinking: "Gadzooks!!! A FPS that Tanner likes???" Or something like that. This game has amazing bosses, and an insanely addictive Co-Op and online mode. Oh, and it also has a competitive mode, but who cares about that? Also, the single-player has epic bosses, which is great, because most FPS' don't have any bosses, which sucks. In addition, there are cool weapons, epic bosses (oops, said that), greatly-designed levels, and a great ending. The game got a A+, A, and A-.

(Insert creative/funny thing about reviews here) Part 2: The Good

Okay, so in part 2 we move on to the good games. First up is Call of Duty: World At War. The game: is fun. Way too similar to Call of Duty: 4, but still fun. But this game has zombie nazis! The single-player of this game is fun, somewhat brutal, and way too difficult at times. Also, the single player just isn't as good as Call of Duty 4's campaign. Also, the multi-player isn't as good as CoD4. It is still a solid game though, most likely worth a rental. That is, unless you're me and don't really like shooters that much. The game got a B, B-, and B-. Next, Sonic Unleashed. This game is definitely the game I have been looking forward to more than anything all year. More than Resistance 2, Fallout 3, Little Big Planet, and Silent Hill: Homecoming. And that's saying a lot. This game is AWESOME. After the flop that was Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, which personally I think could have been a great game if they didn't insist on getting it out so soon, this game is showing that Sonic Team and Sonic are moving ahead, quickly too. This game, using the new "hedgehog engine" has brought new speed to Sonic. Also, a nighttime combat and platforming part is added, using the Werehog (a transformation of Sonic), similar to that of God Of War. This game is divided into 3 parts: Sonic 40%, Werehog 40%, and Hub Worlds 20%. All of these parts are great, but the hub worlds can be annoying at times. Some flaws of this game are a little too much Werehog and a occasional bad camera. The game got a B+.

(Insert creative/funny thing about reviews here) Part 1: The Terrible

The next three blog posts (including this one) will all be about reviews. In part 1, I'll talk about terrible games, part 2 will be good games, and part 3 will be great games. First up, Castlevania: Judgement. In case you're unfamiliar with the Castlevania games, they are typically side-scroller action games, and are typically well recieved. But not this. Noooo, not this at all. Suddenly, Castlevania became a fighting game, like Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat. The game has an awful camera, sloppy combat, and stupid characters. This got a D-. Next, Legendary. So, another game from the "Generic-First Person Shooter- Everyone Will Buy It Even Though It Sucks- Creator" (patented by me.) There are many things that make it worse than most typical First Person Shooters. The game's thing that was supposed to appeal to people is that you fight mythical monsters instead of people. Of course, the problem is that you don't. Much. Also, the game has linear level designs, with no creativity. The game got a D.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reviews + P = Previews (Part 2)

Well, I talked about a great game coming out, now for a bad game... So, "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Make the Grade." Wah..wah...wah..wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Sigh... I weep for society. But mostly me. I guess society too though. Here's a direct quote from the magazine: "With host Jeff Foxworthy and a line up of virtual 10-year-old braniacs, Are You Samrter Than a 5th Grader? Make the Grade gives you a chance to earn gold stars and work your way up to the Million Dollar Question, just like a real-life contestant on the FOX TV show." Wow amazing! You can PRETEND to be on the show that NO ONE wants to be on, because the ONLY reason they go on it is for the money, and THAT"S TAKEN AWAY TOO! YAYYYYYYYYY! So, the things wrong with the game: 1) Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader 2) Graphics are terrible, no seriously, a baby still in the womb could draw better 3) WOWIIE! You can earn fake money in a game no one like! COOOOOOL. Okay, I'm done. My caps-lock key is in pain.

Reviews + P = Previews (Part 1)

Something different this week, because apparently my new gaming magazine is...weird...and does not want to put in reviews. But they put in previews. So...The game "Fat Princess," for the PS3. What comes to mind when you hear that name? Fatness? Princesses? Lol? Well, all WRONG. Okay, only the last is wrong, whatever. Fat Princess is a fairly....really unique game which would be called..uh...a "comedy-rpg-online" game. The princess is apparently fat because bad guys have forced her to eat food and get fat, so she is harder to carry her back home. Yeah, you read that. While it sounds strange, it actually sounds fun to me. You work together with up to 15 other people online, with five different rpg-type classes (archer, fighter, mage, etc.) to carry the princess back to her home, while fighting off enemies and doing puzzles. In addition to playing as the good guys, you could also play as the bad, in which you try to make the princess fat and stop good guys. Personally, it sounds great to me and will arrive on the Playstation Store in the 1st quarter of 2009. More previews coming soon.