Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog #6: God of War III official site is now live

Blog #6. Whoop de razmatazz. This time the thrilling topic of extreme thrillness is...hope. Thrilling. While the title of this may not seem like it relates to hope at first, it actually does. God of War III is a highly-anticipated PS3 game coming out...well, we don't know. This is where hope comes into play. Many MANY people hope that this game will come out in 2009, while many (some of the same people) hope that the game will be great. To some this would seem to be contradicting because frequently when a game is rushed, the game is left unfinished and much worse than it could be. A perfect example of this is Sonic The Hedgehog 2006. Had the game not been rushed by...A YEAR...it would have been much better. What typically seems to happen in cases such as this is that everyone says things like "We NEED this game NOW!" and "OMG this game better come out in 2009!" But the irony of the situation is that those same idiots will say things like "OMG this game sucks so much, why didn't they fix the glitches and make the graphics better?!?!?" Personally, in my opinion...I want the game in 2009. But I also wouldn't want it to come out early if it would stop the game from reaching it's full potential. (Yeah, I basically just said "I want it soon and I want it perfect")

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