Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog #7: Metareview: Street Fighter IV (PS3, Xbox 360)

Blog #7! Oh man! Oh jeez! WOO HOO! I'm joking, it's really not that exciting. The EXCITING (joking, joking) topic for blog #7 is anything about change. My mind fills with ideas as the EXCITEMENT (joking still) fills my body. So, for change, let's talk about Street Fighter IV. Street Fighter is a long-running series of fighting games, and since...well, now, the games have always been 2D. Also, by 2D, I don't mean any of that 2D/3D stuff. I mean pure 2D. Well now, the game graphics have completly changed and the visual style of the game is basically completly different. To many hardcore fans (not me), the question may linger: Was the change neccessary? Some praise this new style, while others may spit and yell at it (well, not really). This game is not alone in changing dramatically, it has happened to many recent games. Example of this are: Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, and some other games that I can't think of at this time. Personally, I don't really feel strongly about the change, as I am not a long-time fan of the series. But I will say this: I believe that many developers believe that for the next-gen sustems, change is neccessary to keep up. It's true in some cases, yet wrong in many others.

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