Friday, November 28, 2008

O Rly? Ya Rly. No Wai! More Reviews 2 (Nintendo Power)

Now that the good games have been mentioned, we can talk about bad games. Yay bad games! Thank you for giving us something to point and laugh hysterically at. One game that had good hopes, but failed, is Spider-Man: Web of Shadows. Spider-Man 2 was a GREAT game. Seriously, it was awesome. But then 3 came out and it sucked...then there were really bad spinoffs. So, now: Web of Shadows. Web of Shadows has sloppy controls, and Wiimote waggling that is in WAY TOO MANY GAMES (look at this Nintendo!!!). It got a 6.5. Next up, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels. Many people probably looked at the Wiimote and yelled to no one, "OMGZ, I COULD TOTALLY BE LUKE CAUSE THIS IS JUS LIKE A LIGHTSABER! COOOOOOOL!" and then started swinging it around going "KSSHHH, VOOOSH" and looking like a complete moron. Hey moron! Here's the game for you! The game has sloppy controls (yay for more wiimote waggling) and highly monotonous gameplay. It loosely follows the movies story-wise, but that's it. It got a 4.0.

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