Sunday, November 16, 2008

LBP (Little Big Planet) Moderation Remains Inscrutable, Unaccountable (

Little Big Planet...great game for the PS3. Fun, simple, creative...and way too heavy on moderation. Personally, I had 5 of my levels (the game lets you create levels) moderated and taken off the server, and was never told why. It angered me, but I found a hole in the system, and reposted them. Apparently, one of the best user-created levels up on the server just got deleted, again, for no reason. This level was amazing, had over 20,000 plays and 4,000 hearts (a system like favoriting). Now though, thanks to the moderation, no one can play it. This of course, angered the level's creator greatly, and he said: "I invested a huge amount of time making The Azure Palace to not only be original, but to shift the gameplay of this wonderful game you guys made. Besides similarities to underwater stages in general, there is nothing directly taken from any game/movie/etc. If there so happened to be one, the terms of moderation are by far extremely irrational. The user is given no chance to change certain aspects of his creation to conform to said rules above. WE'RE NOT EVEN GIVEN A FREAKING REASON AS TO WHY IT HAPPENED!!!" He sent this to Media Molecule (the creator of the game), but as of now, no response. So, all in all, bad moderators, and no reason.

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