Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blu-Ray Goes from Christmas Casualty to Christmas Savior? (

Do to the current state of the economy, people thought that the Blu-Ray would start dying, but now people are starting to buy Blu-Ray players faster. Also, the PS3 helps it as well, due to the fact that it plays games, stores music, goes online, and acts as a Blu-Ray player. The Digital Entertainment Group, a assortment of studios and other Blu-Ray backers, forecast that by the end of the year, 10.5 million households have Blu-Ray players — with 8 million of them being the PlayStation 3. PS3 executives also expect 4-5 million more PS3s to sell by March, which is also saying they expect 4-5 million more Blu-Ray players to sell by March. Personally, I own a Wii and PS3, and I find it nice to have a Blu-Ray player. Overall though, right now it's more of an option to watch Blu-Rays than DVDs, as opposed to later when Blu-Rays will be the only choice, so most people will either get a PS3 or Blu-Ray player soon.

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