Arguably the best recent games for the PS3 and
XBOX 360 are Little Big Planet for the PS3, and Gears Of War 2 for the
XBOX 360. Incidentally, they are also complete
opposites. Little Big Planet is a simple, yet very fun, charming
platformer that is basically just great fun. The controls are simple, and the characters are cute. The game lets you play levels with others or by yourself, plus you can make your own levels and publish them on the server, and play other people's levels. I own the game and think it's and awesome PS3 exclusive, albeit it gets old after awhile. It got an A+,A, and A, and is the Game of the Month. Next, Gears Of War 2. Anyone who owns a
XBOX 360 has heard of it. Any
XBOX owner in my class, of which I'm sure there are many, either owns the game or knows about it. Being the COMPLETE opposite of
LBP, it's interesting. It is a gritty, bloody, third-person shooter. I've never played the game myself, but apparently the campaign is much improved from the first, and same with
multiplayer. From what I've heard it's an awesome game, exclusive to the
XBOX 360. It got an A+, A, and A, and is the Game of the Month. At this point observant readers would notice I've said they are both the Game of the Month, and if that is you,
congratulate yourself on your
observancy and drink a pop. It was indeed a tie for Game of the Month between these two games. Well, that's it for now. Maybe I'll talk about some bad game next week.