Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Full Tilt: Blog #6: Ride #5: The Kamikaze v2

Hmmm...ummm...this ride is cool but after the last one I don't have any really high praise for it. I guess I prefer it to the sixth ride, but still, it's a letdown compared to the fourth ride. The thing that comes between the fifth and sixth rides makes up for that though. That part is AWESOME. Too bad I'll never talk about it. The fifth ride starts off bad with the lap bar in Blake's seat not going down. Then the ride begins it's 10 minute ascent to the very top, and then when the ride did it's rediculously huge descent down, the ride, of course, shifted shapes once again. The individual cars turned into a Japanese Zero plane. The relation to Blake this time is that Blake has a model of a Japanese Zero plane in his room. Blake also was in the plane that led the squadron of the other riders on the Kamikaze. The fact that he was in charge also delved into his deeper fear: the fear of failing and taking everyone down with him. To Blake, it actually feels like he has control on the ride, but then Cassandra appears again and begins on a 1 on 1 fight between her and Blake. She eventually shot him down, but as he was flying towards the ocean, he was reminded of what Cassandra said to him before: "There's a way out of every ride." Frantically searching seconds before the crash, he found a button with the ride symbol on it on the instrument panel of his plane. He immediatly hit it, which ejected his seat up into the air, and out of the ride. Nothing really too interesting to discuss on this ride. I guess one could draw a conncection between the Japaneses Zero planes, which were suicidal bombing planes made to take out enemies. To some, maybe the huge descent on a roller coaster feels like a suicide attack. Going staight down, rediculously hard to see due to velocity, and fear for some. I guess that could be similar to what suicidal pilots would feel like before they crash into an enemy ship. Done.


Teacher: Mrs. Jarrett said...

Tanner, your posts are thorough--well beyond the minimum requirement. You make great connections and analysis of reading/rides. Great job this year! 50/50.

Unknown said...