Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog #13: Yes, Resident Evil 5 has a 5GB install

Blog #13: Find a text about war. Guess what? This means....more Resident Evil 5 topics!!!!!! Yay! This is great timing though, since Resident Evil 5 comes out this Friday. I'll be getting it in about, oh: 2 days, 21 hours, and 3 minutes. Give or take a few seconds. So, the next Resident Evil 5 topic: Yes, Resident Evil 5 has a 5 GB install. In case one doesn't know exactly what that means, I'll explain. Let's use the PS3 as an example. The PS3 has three different versions: 40 GB, 60 GB, and 80 GB. I personally own the 60 GB one, and for some reason I actually seem to go through the GB quickly. Probably because I download demos, games, videos, trailers, and install games. When you get a PS3 game it automatically installs itself on your HDD (Hard Disc Drive) which makes the load times between levels more faster, and overall makes the game perform better. Unfortuanently for me, I will have to clean out my PS3... Anyways, although the install is sometimes annoying in how one has to make room for it, it does overall benefit the owner of the PS3. Sometimes though, the game installs can be annoying because (ex: DMC4 took 30 min to install) the installs can take awhile. Overall, in my opinion: Installs are worth it, sometimes annoying, but overall very benefical to one's gaming experience.

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